Friends of the Conservatory

WP Tutorial

How to post a blog

wp login

Log In with Username and Password.

wp post

Click "Posts" (under "Home" and "Updates") in the upper left corner of the Dashboard.

wp add new

Click "Add New" (under "All Posts") in the upper left corner of the Posts section.

wp add new

Write the title (this one is called "New Blog Post") of the blog post into the title box.

wp write

Write (or copy and paste from a Word doc) the copy (content) in the post box.

wp save draft

Don't forget to "Save Draft". It's hilighted in yellow on the right under "Publish".

wp post tags

Add a tag to the post on the right under "Categories" in the "Post Tags" section.

wp post categories

Add a category to the post and/or check an existing category.

wp post preview

If you think your satisfied with the post, click "Preview" to view.

wp post publish

If you like what you saw in "Preview" click "Publish".

(If you want a picture in the blog -- that's next.)

How upload a picture

wp post picture

Click the grey box next to "Upload/insert" above the text editor (when you hover it will say "Add an Image").

wp media

This black box will appear. You can upload a picture.

wp media library

Navigate to your images folder and choose the one you want.

wp alt tag

Give a short description of the image in the "alt" tag box.

wp caption tag

Give a short description in the "title" tag field and write a "caption" (optional). And give the pic a placement (none, right, left, etc.).

wp edit view

Click Publish.

wp published post

This is what your finished post might look like.

wp media library

Note: If you upload and image but don't use it for that particular post, it will be in the media library for use at a later date.